
Travel | Prague, Czech Republic

Cosmopolitan & sunny. That was the impression Prague left on my mind: lots of sun, lots of people and lots of movement. It's a gorgeous city that concentrates many differente periods in the same spaces, which I find fascinating. Read more to find out about this great city!

Cosmopolita e solarenga. Esta foi a impressão que Praga me deixou: imenso sol, imensas pessoas e imenso movimento. É uma cidade linda que concentra em si várias épocas históricas, o que eu acho fascinante. Leiam mais para descobrirem sobre esta cidade maravilhosa! (Desculpem mas não tive tempo de acabar de escrever em Português, assim que conseguir faço-o)


Day 10.
Travel day
Dia de viagem

Another day wasted in trains. And that was about it... Oh wait, when we arrived we did some laundry. Clothing from six people drying in one hallway pretending it was a room: it was a real challenge to find hanging space. We stayed at Hostel Orange right in Wenceslas square: best location ever! For the price I couldn't really ask for anything better.

Outro dia desperdiçado em comboios. E ficámos por aí... Ah esperem, quando chegámos fizémos alguma lavandaria. Roupa de seis pessoas a secar num corredor que fingia ser um quarto: arranjar espaço para pendurar nem que fosse mais um par de meias foi um verdadeiro desafio. Ficámos no Hostel Orange mesmo na Praça Wenceslas: melhor localização de sempre! Pelo preço não podia pedir nada melhor.

Day 11.

First day in Prague
Primeiro dia em Praga

During our first day we saw the old city... Basically we walked there from our hotel and in the way we crossed the Powder Gate and took a look at the Opera house, both amazing buildings but very different in style: the different architectural styles very close to each other is pretty much responsible for the beauty of Prague in my opinion. When we finally got to the main square, called , Old Town  Square, we were mesmerized my the quantity of things to see: you have the Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, the St. Nicholas Church, and the most famous Old Town Hall Tower with its Astronomical Clock. I swear we spent about ten minutes trying to figure out how to see the time, but ended up giving up. In the square we rented the coolest bike ever, and I advise you to try it if you have a chance: it was a combined bike for seven people (us + the guide). We ended the day by going to the Jewish Quarter, which was the most impressing place I've been in my whole life: not for the beauty, but because of the symbolism of what happened there. Did you know that Hitler kept it intact because he wanted to make a "Museum of an extinct race" out of it once he killed all of the Jews? Yes he was f*ucked up.

Powder Gate and Opera House || Powder Gate e Ópera
Astronomical clock || Relógio astronómico
Church of Our Lady before Tyn... The right tower is broder than the left to simbolize Adam and Eve. How cool?! || Igreja de Nossa Senhora antes de Tyn... A torre da direita é mais larga que a da esquerda para simbolizar Adão e Eva. Que máximo!
St. Nicholas Church || Igreja de São Nicolau
"The coolest bike ever"! || "A bicicleta mais fixe de sempre"!

Synagogue in which the wall were filled with the names of the Holocaust victims... caused me chills! ||
Sinagoga em que as paredes estão cobertas com nomes de vítimas do Holocausto... deu-me arrepios!
Old Jewish Cemitery, with 8 layers of graves! || Antigo Cemitério Judeu, com 8 camadas de campas!
Spanish synagogue || Sinagoga espanhola

Day 12.

Second day in Prague
Segundo dia em Praga

The interail tiredness was starting to get to us by this point so we slept in... and woke up to a gigantic gay parade that lasted for more than three hours (I'm serious, there were so many people!) right out our door. In the afternoon we took a little stroll to see the Dancing house and spend some time in a gorgeous garden by the riverside.

The Dancing house || A casa dançante

Day 13.
Third day in Prague
Terceiro dia em Praga

Our last day was dedicated to the castle side of the river. Get there by the (always full of people) Charles Bridge, where there are many artists ready to paint you, cartoon you or sell you some of their handicraft. When you are finished crossing the bridge you'll see St. Nicholas Church on the other top of the street... don't miss it, it's one of the most beautiful churches I've been in my life! From there it was always up to the Prague Castle, where we bought the short visit ticket and saw the St. Vitus Cathedral, the Old Royal Palace, the St. George's Basilica and the Golden Lane (you can't miss this one either, it's a cute little street with houses decorated as if the castle servants still lived there... too cute). Afterwards we went off to dinner and after a stroll at night that was it for our time in Prague!

Stained glass in St. Vitus Cathedral: gorgeous. || Vitral na Catedral de São Vitus: lindo.

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