
Personal | Re-Vintage Clothing campaign

Remember this post about the making of the Re-Vintage Clothing shorts campaign? Well, I finally got the final photos to show you... I love them, and I think you will as well. We shot them at typical Lisbon locations such as St. George's Castle or Jerónimos' Monastery, and that is why I leave you with the campaign... It's all about Lisbon and shorts. Enjoy!

Lembram-se deste post sobre o making of da campanha de calções da Re-Vintage Clothing? Bem, finalmente tenho as fotografias finais para vos mostrar... eu adoro-as, e acho que por aí vão sentir o mesmo. Fotografámo-las em locais típicos de Lisboa, como o Castelo de São Jorge ou a Torre de Belém, e é por isso que vos deixo com o título da campanha... It's all about Lisbon and shorts. Enjoy!

Clothing by:

Me (from Miss Tangerine, ahah!)
Liliana from Um Blog Fashion

Photography by:
Inês from Room 91

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